Saturday, July 5, 2008

July 4th celebrations

Emma really enjoys having her watermelon. she was trying to get me to throw this away for her but I told her to go find Kira! Why would I want to get sticky when I can pawn it off on a friend?

Here is Hanah really enjoying her 2 sparklers!Every year we go to the Mukelshoot Indian reservation with the Bradshaw family and purchase our fireworks early in the day. Then, in the evening, we all go to their house and light them all off. Here's Kate with her sparkler. She is running down the sidewalk hoping to catch hershelf on fire! She had a great time with all her sparklers. She wanted to light the bottle rockets like the bigger kids but the rule is she has to be 11.
This is Scotts first year beign able to use a "punk" and he was allowed to light bottle rockets, roman candles and a few other small explosives. Big fun for him.
This is Bekah and Gregg doing some roman candle battles with a lovely fountain going behind them. We love doing teh fireworks in the Bradshaws neighborhood becasue so many of their neighbors also light them off and it really gets pretty.

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